How Jeremy Hunt solved Downing Street flea problem with new carpets

In Liz Truss’s new book, she complains of itching caused by flea bites at the flat she lived in at 11 Downing Street when she was Prime Minister. She left after 50 days, at which point Chancellor Jeremy Hunt moved in.

Truss reported that the flat was sprayed with flea killer. She blamed Boris Johnson’s dog Dilyn for bringing the fleas into Downing Street.

Hunt himself has recently said he had a more drastic and costly way of solving the Downing Street flea problem; he replaced all the carpets at his own expense using a security-cleared company. Since the new carpets were installed, Jeremy Hunt and his family have not suffered from flea bites.

Up to 50 eggs a day are laid by fleas in pet fur. After larvae are hatched, they fall off the pet and are often embedded in carpets where they can stay for months. High-piled carpets are favourite places for fleas to inhabit.

For flea-infested carpets in the Chester and North Wales area, new carpets may not be necessary, though fleas can be difficult to get rid of.

To avoid dogs bringing in fleas, there are many prevention options available from vets. Vacuuming is the best first option to remove fleas from carpets, but if they persist deep clean the carpet with a wet carpet cleaning machine. For expert help, use a pest infestation specialist business or, like Jeremy Hunt, just throw the carpets out and buy new ones.