Research shows homeowners unhappy with their interior design

A survey of 2,000 households found that one in three of them don't like their own interior décor. However, nearly half (48%) said that they intend to renovate their living spaces within the next year.

A spokesperson for Shutterly Fabulous, which commissioned the research said:

“The research has really highlighted how people are living in spaces they’re not actually particularly happy with, which is a real shame."

Rooms can be improved by simple things that don't cost a lot such as a fresh coat of paint, decluttering and rearranging furniture, though this is not enough to change the top interior dislikes of dated carpets, ugly furniture and shabby skirting boards.

The survey discovered that the rooms which need the most attention are the living room and kitchen. The top reasons for not renovating are lack of money and time. Often, rooms were once renovated in styles that were trendy at the time but now look dated. Some of the top style regrets are bright paintwork and expensive furniture, which often looks ugly.

Two of the most disliked items according to the survey, are lino and unfashionable carpets. These can easily be replaced. Laminate flooring and carpets are popular flooring choices which don't cost too much. Visit a local flooring company in Chester or North Wales to see a wide variety of floor covering materials in a wide range of colours and patterns to suit all tastes and budgets. Skilled flooring installers can quickly create a new floor that transforms and modernises a room.