Carpet tiles adapt to changing work patterns

Carpet tiles have become a versatile solution for adapting to changing work patterns. As more workers shift towards hybrid working patterns, office designs are evolving to reflect this trend.

The Worldwide Clinical Trials office in Nottingham is an example of this evolution, with various areas designed for different activities such as collaborative conversations, social interactions, meeting spaces and traditional desk working spaces. Each area is marked by distinct carpet tile patterns that suit the environment, ranging from subtle grey tones to vivid colours. The overall aesthetic balances home decor with functional office space design. Jordan Andrew, the interior designer of the office, explains:

"The flooring sets the tone for each zone. In meeting rooms, a different strip of colour runs through the centre of each one, which subtly directs attention to ongoing conversations and distinguishes these rooms from one another."

This design was flexible enough to allow changes during construction. Carpet tiles were ideal due to their ability to be easily replaced, without the commitment of large amounts of resources or time when using bulkier rolls of carpeting.

In the kitchen or tea making areas, more waterproof luxury vinyl tiles in a textured woodgrain pattern were used. Noise reducing tiles were selected to make these hard floor surface areas quieter.

Carpet tiles for Chester offices are available in a variety of colours and patterns, suitable for all interior design styles. This makes them an excellent choice for organisations renovating existing offices or relocating.