What is an ideal flooring solution for home gyms?

If lockdown is making getting out and about for exercise a little tricky, you may have considered hiring or buying some equipment to set up your own gym at home. Establishing a room around your house as a dedicated place to keep fit can be ideal for many reasons. Having your exercise bike ready and waiting whenever you’re in the mood can be far easier than clearing a space each time you want to do a workout, while the privacy offered by a home gym of your very own can be welcome if you don’t want an audience while getting in shape.

The floor you choose for your home gym must tick a lot of boxes. It must be able to take the pressure of both your exercise equipment and your activities, while also providing a surface that can cope with moisture when you perspire. You’ll also want your gym floor to be easy to maintain and have an attractive appearance if you’re going to encourage yourself to keep exercising.

To this end, the best option by far is a vinyl floor, and in the following sections, we’ll explore the merits of this option and why many owners of home gyms across the UK consider it a perfect choice.

Taking the strain

If you’re going to install heavier pieces of fitness equipment in your home gym, vinyl can provide staunch support. Incredibly durable, vinyl can cope with the weight of cross trainers and stationary bikes, although you should always rotate where equipment is placed to avoid excessive wear in one spot. For extra shock absorption and comfort during floor exercises, adding some underlay is also a wise idea.

High-quality vinyl flooring has been known to live well beyond its expected lifespan of 20 years, making it a sound investment for your new gym.

A wide array of styles

Exceptionally versatile, both vinyl and luxury vinyl tiles (LVT) are readily available in an unbeatable assortment of colours, shapes and styles, ensuring you can find a floor to suit your personal tastes with ease. Whether you’d like to recreate a traditional wooden gym floor with LVTs designed to resemble natural boards, or you want bright colours that really pop for a contemporary look, you can find an extensive array of options on offer.

Easy to clean

Vinyl is entirely waterproof, making it perfect for when you work up a sweat, unlike a hardwood option, which can suffer from warping when exposed to constant moisture over time. Extremely low maintenance, you can ensure your gym is always clean and ready for use, with only simple mopping required in between sessions for it to stay fresh.

To sum up, a vinyl floor will provide you with a stylish surface for your home gym that can handle your new fitness regime with ease. Far simpler to care for than carpet, this easily maintained option will ensure you have plenty of energy left for your exercises, making it a great choice to get your home gym up and running with.