Carpet colour psychology influences college activities

The designers of the Mt Aspiring College renovation in New Zealand are using colour psychology in carpet tiles to influence the activities that take place in various campus zones.

Colour psychology is based on the theory that colours affect emotions and behaviour. In the college, there are areas where students need to be active, and others where relaxation is encouraged.

In some zones, students need to be creative to collaborate with others, whilst in other areas, students need to be more focused and productive. The flooring colours have therefore been designed to match the varying activities and moods in different zones.

An example of this is the library, where the floor has a calming yellow shade designed to promote relaxed, quiet study. Visually stimulating bright colours, on the other hand, welcome students to zones where group discussions and teamwork is encouraged.

When visiting a carpet retailer in Wrexham or North Wales, home or business owners should take into account what type of activities will take place in the area of the house or commercial premises they’re decorating. Warm neutral colours, for example, can invoke feelings of calm, comfort and safety, whereas bold and bright colours can ignite creativity and stimulate the brain.

Carpet tiles can be used to make shapes that are also thought to affect the mind. Rectangles and squares, for instance, are standard layouts that are said to represent stability and trust.

Patterns also influence the environment. For instance, nature-inspired wood or stone vinyl flooring patterns bring the calmness of nature indoors.