Can water-damaged carpets be salvaged?

The UK has experienced several floods in 2023, and there may be more to come. If a carpet becomes water-logged, in many cases it might be best to throw it away. However, if your carpet is particularly important, you’ll want to know if it can be saved. In this blog, we’re taking a look at whether this is possible.

There are three primary classifications of water: clean water, such as fresh rainwater or from a burst pipe; grey water, which is dirty but without sewage like drain water; and black water, containing human sewage waste. Unfortunately, carpets contaminated with grey or black water cannot be salvaged and must be disposed of. Only carpets soaked with clean water have a chance of being returned to their former glory.

The first step is to act quickly since mould or mildew can develop on the carpet within 24 to 48 hours after exposure to moisture. Drying out the carpet rapidly is essential. Remove furniture and any other items covering the floor then use a carpet extractor found in cleaning machines designed for carpets to suck up saturated fluids. Alternatively, a machine that shampoos carpets should have suction capabilities.

Press towels onto any remaining wet spots on the surface until all excess fluid has been removed. The next stage involves hiring blowers specifically designed for drying out carpets.

Once thoroughly dried, lift the carpet and remove any underlay which will need replacing. Then, clean the carpet before you can start using the room again.

High-quality carpets in Chester homes provide warmth and cosiness to any space. As long as they're regularly cleaned and protected from excessive moisture, your carpet should last many years.