When is it time to replace carpets in rented properties?
/The responsibility for replacing carpets in North Wales rented properties is usually the landlord's. If you are a tenant, how often should you expect the carpets to be replaced?
There is no UK law that governs carpet replacements, but generally, landlords will consider replacing carpets every five years. Of course, the timing of carpet replacements depends on a number of factors, such as the quality of the carpet and its usage. Expect a good quality carpet to last at least ten years, but a cheap one could need replacing in three. It’s a good idea for a landlord to install a decent carpet as it can work out cheaper in the long term. Tenants paying a higher than average rent may expect good-quality flooring.
Carpets in student properties where regular parties are likely to be held will get a lot more use than those in properties occupied by single professionals.
A badly stained carpet will need a deep clean at the end of a tenancy. The tenants can be charged for the cost of this. If the carpet is worn or damaged beyond reasonable wear and tear, the tenants may be asked to pay for a replacement carpet.
At the start of a tenancy, it's a good idea for the tenants and landlord to take photos of the carpet so that its condition at the start of the tenancy can be compared to how much it has worn by the end of it.