NFU backs wool carpet and insulation campaign

The National Farmers Union (NFU) is calling on the government to encourage insulation and the installation of carpets made from wool in all public financed building projects. This follows the revelation that a great number of farmers are dumping fleeces instead of selling them to British Wool.

Richard Findlay of the NFU said that wool:

“Is a natural, sustainable product and is suitable for a range of uses from carpets, textiles and clothing as well as housing insulation.”

He urged the government to encourage builders to use natural wool instead of man-made alternatives.

An online petition to encourage wool use has attracted over 18,000 signatures. The petition’s goal is to have a sustainable wool market where farmers are given a fair price for every fleece they sell. Increased demand for wool will make selling wool more cost-effective.

In 2019, the price farmers received for a fleece was less than the cost of shearing, and this caused many farmers to plough their wool into fields rather than sell it. Farmers are also concerned about the effect of Brexit, which could see a tariff of around 40% on sheep meat exports.

Many people have wool carpets in their North Wales homes due to the many benefits of the material. A wool carpet helps to keep rooms warm, is soft to walk on and is bio-degradable. A top-quality wool carpet is also long-lasting, provided it is kept clean, and a room with both wool insulation and a wool carpet increases the overall energy efficiency of a home.