Red carpet film premieres held at home

Glitzy film premieres may have been cancelled due to the coronavirus crisis, but enterprising filmmakers have been holding them at home.

Film premiers with stars walking down the red carpet are a standard way that Hollywood publicises new films. However, Cinemas in Britain, Europe and the USA are closed due to the coronavirus outbreak, with premieres and film festivals cancelled.

The producers of a new thriller and love story, “The Carnivores”, decided that they would bring the premiere of their film into the cinematographer's home in Austin. A red carpet was laid from the front porch, through several rooms to the back garden. The home premiere was “attended” by a select restricted guest list who watched the home film screening.

David Arquette’s premiere of his documentary on pro wrestling was also held in his home, with guests sitting on couches and the living room floor to watch the film.

If the coronavirus restrictions become more strict, red carpet events could be attended by just one or two people but shared over the internet.

If you have reason to celebrate a birthday, graduation engagement or other events, why not hold it at home? Buy a roll of red carpet for your Wrexham home and broadcast a live internet video feed via YouTube or Skype.

Save the money from a cancelled holiday and buy a red or other brightly coloured carpets to make your home more cheerful if self-isolation forces you to spend more time at home.